Happy pig = happy home.”

— Shannon S. and La-a

Problem Behavior? Not for us!

Whether you are at your wit’s end or just want to explore the possibility of an improved relationship, a behavior consultation will meet your needs.

In our one-on-one session, we’ll discuss your pet’s behavior at length, and work on solutions that meet both your needs and your pet’s. No matter how extreme it is, behavior serves to communicate. Our job is to help you figure out exactly what your pet is trying to tell you. Utilizing force and aversive methods have been proven to create aggression in both animals and people. Our force-free approach is not only low-stress for the animals, but it’s safer for everyone involved!

While we are committed to reducing your pet’s stress, we are equally committed to helping you live in harmony with your pet. We have extensive experience in working in a variety of settings with both human families and animals. Our approach is collaborative, meaning that the behavior strategies we offer are designed with YOU in mind! We work together to make sure the training meets your lifestyle!

Our behavior consults are perfect for

  • Aggression

  • Fearful behavior

  • Relationship building

  • Litter box issues

  • Destructive behavior

  • Relationship repair between bonded animals

  • Preparing for a new pet

  • More!

Behavior consultations are conducted virtually and in-person (Temple Terrace residents only). Initial consultations are $75 for a virtual session and $100 for an in-home session. Consultations last roughly one hour.